Past and Ongoing Projects

Zingira Mali Project

Through this project, C-GLOCAL seeks to act a part in reversing the effects of climate change and stimulating climate responsive and sustainable livelihoods. Capacity building for community actors, especially underrepresented groups to take a central role as creators, facilitators, and advocates of innovative and inclusive climate solutions. Advocacy for alternative and sustainable Income Generating Activities targeting rural women that burn and sell charcoal. This includes collaboration and linkage with vocational training institutions for skills training as well as linking them with financial institutions to support them in business start-up process. Further, the project builds the capacity of Community Forest Associations for more sustainable use of forest resources and inclining them to apply Non-Violent Conflict and complaint Management measures. The project also entails capacity building for Water Resource Users Associations for reforestation of springs, water catchment areas, and other riparian lands- most of them have been deforested and encroached, posing health and safety risk as well as lowering of water table. Finally, the project involves advocacy for simple water and energy saving and conservation measures that can be implemented at household level, especially by women.

Skip a Lunch - Keep a Vulnerable Child in School Project

Launched on 1st May 2023, this project mobilizes individuals and organizations to donate at least Kshs. 100 per month, to be used to pay school fees for 32 vulnerable students from Kaptelelio Girs, Kongit, and Chemweisus Secondary Schools in Kapsokwony and Kongit Locations in Mt. Elgon Sub-County. The project envisions that keeping these students in school is one step towards breaking the vicious cycle of poverty that has often been exacerbated by poverty and low literacy levels.

Sitaki Puncture Project

This is a guiding, counseling, and mentorship project to school girls in an effort to end school girl pregnancies. The project is being implemented in Chemweisus and Chemoremwo Primary Schools and is set to roll out to other primary and secondary schools in the Sub-County. The need to end pregnancy among schoolgirls is so urgent so that they don’t drop out of school. By completing their education, girls will be prepared for opportunities for future employment thus ending the cycle of poverty. The project will provide school girls with an opportunity to pursue their plans of life and see to it that their hopes of a better future do not diminish. By ending or reducing child pregnancies, the project will work towards ending pregnancy among schoolgirls thereby reducing maternal and child mortality because the girls’ bodies are too young to bear children. It will also eliminate cases where the girls seek to terminate the pregnancy by unsafe abortion. Further, the project will work towards ending pregnancy among schoolgirls thus enabling them to complete their studies and compete favorably with the boys.

Kataa Wababa Project

Kataa Wababa Project is a sugar daddy awareness initiative geared towards ending sexual exploitation and abuse of school girls by sugar daddies (adult men who abuse girls sexually). When schoolgirls are abused sexually, they may become pregnant or will undergo serious emotional and psychological challenges that change their lives adversely.